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The concept of grouping students together in a centralized location for learning existed since Classical antiquity.

Rourkela is the educational, technical and medical research hub of western Odisha. After having gained prolonged experience of successfully managing two existing schools Guru Nanak Khalsa High School (Hindi Medium) and Guru Nanak Public High School (English Medium), the Gurudwara Sai Guru Singh Sabha (SGSS) Rourkela decided to start anew educational institution in 2000 which emerged as Guru Nanak Public School (GNPS), Nayabazar, affiliated to CBSE. It is managed by Guru Nanak Public Society registered with Govt., of Odisha under the Society Act in 2006. It has its registered office at Nayabazar, Rourkela. The management committee comprises of highly qualified and experienced professionals and eminent citizens of Rourkela.

With its striking architectural features, GNPS strives to surpass the exemplary work of the ancient architects. Praiseworthy selection of the place for the construction of the school has been the most intelligent step towards the accelerated growth of the school. The backdrop of hills enhances the octagonal structure of its is a four storeyed building with lots of architectural details.

The school has phenomenal kindergarten rooms, spacious classrooms facilitated by digital display system, a library equipped with relevant books and journals, learning oriented laboratories, a play ground, dubs to provide numerous learning programmes that are challenging and appropriate to the present and future needs of the students.

The educational philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev occupies the foremost position. He is the beacon light .He laid stress on the unity of god hood and he had been the most secular and universal in his approach to life. He stressed on universal brotherhood and enunciated the principles of true education. He was a protagonist of value based education inseparable from ethics and a quest for spiritual life. The fundamental principles of Guru's educational systems are:

1. Knowledge is strength.
2. Knowledge leads to wisdom and insight.
3. Knowledge elevates mind, body and soul.
4. Knowledge of virtue.
5. Wisdom leads to spiritual consciousness.
6. Education as unfolding of potentialities.
7. Formation of character.
8. Cultural, Emotional and Aesthetic Development.
9. Physical Development.
10. Education for Harmonious Development.

Stressing on Guru Nank Dev's method of enlightenment and persuasion in place of coercion and conversions, GNPS equated education with benevolence and an instrument of moral and spiritual education. Students are provided with a broad range of interesting and varied learning experiences within and beyond the school. They have access to a wide variety of resources and technologies to help engage them in learning. Every individual from each faculty is engaged in honest reproductive labour to steer the institution to the zenith of its glory. In this way they would develop a co-operative society which is grounded on worth and status of the individual as the microcosm of God.

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